Tenant Screening helps prevent neighborhood blight in recession
According to a recent article on Fox, property owners in Memphis, Tennessee are watching their neighborhoods turn to blight as the properties around them fall into disrepair, become abandoned with overgrown lawns and attract squatters and criminal activity. Some property owners say that the property maintenance is the responsibility of the tenants. Dr. Phyllis Betts, the director of […]
The Importance of Tenant Screening
More communities are providing forums to help landlords and property owners understand their rights and help them engage effectively with their tenants. Champlin Minnesota is the newest community to encourage this behavior, which a forum that occurred on May 14th, the second annual landlord forum. In addition to discussing low interest loans for property repair, […]
More local governments encouraging tenant screening
As the recession moves from Wall Street to Main Street, local cities are forced to deal with the affects, with shrinking tax revenue. We were all hopefull during the housing boom that blighted parts of town would be regentrified, and the blight would be replaced by a white picket fence and an interest only mortage. Backsliding into chaos […]